The London years 1985 -1988
Of coarse I didn´t become a rockstar right away, so I took on a nice job as an antique furniture restorer
at Dome antiques in Islington, north London. A couple of months later I changed to Keith Skeel antiques,one of the most exclusive antique warehouses in the U.K., working on high class barock, renaissance and east Asienantiques. Meanwhile I had a bench set up in my flat doing guitar repairs as well and, most important,checking the "MelodyMaker" adds for bands. I tried out many and finally ended up with the Bollock Brothers, going on a big europe tour right away. That was the end of the antique job. They weren´t exactly my taste in music but it was good fun and payed for my living for about 3 years. Occasionally I helped out as an sound engenier in recording.

Check his site
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